06/11/2023AIR LIQUDE TSIE - Financial statements half-yearly at 30/06/2023
Company AIR LIQUIDE TUNISIE, publishes its individual intermediate financial statements stopped at the 30/06/2023.
06/11/2023BH LEASING - Press release
Press release
03/11/2023UIB - Press release from the financial Market Council
Press release from the financial Market Council
03/11/2023TUNISAIR - Financial statements annual consolidated at 31/12/2019
The Company TUNISAIR, publishes its consolidated annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2019.
03/11/2023TUNISAIR - Financial statements annual individual at 31/12/2019
The Company TUNISAIR, publishes its individual annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2019.
03/11/2023SAH - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by COMPANY JM HOLDING.
02/11/2023CELLCOM - Financial statements annual consolidated at 31/12/2022
The Company CELLCOM, publishes its consolidated annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2022.
02/11/2023CELLCOM - Financial statements annual individual at 31/12/2022
The Company CELLCOM, publishes its individual annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2022.
01/11/2023SAH - Financial statements half-yearly consolidés at 30/06/2023
Company SAH, publishes its consolidated intermediate financial statements stopped at the 30/06/2023.
01/11/2023SAH - Financial statements half-yearly individuels at 30/06/2023
Company SAH, publishes its individual intermediate financial statements stopped at the 30/06/2023.