06/06/2024SITS - Financial statements annual consolidated at 31/12/2023
The Company SITS, publishes its consolidated annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
06/06/2024NEW BODY LINE - Financial statements annual individual at 31/12/2023
The Company NEW BODY LINE, publishes its individual annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
05/06/2024CIMENTS DE BIZERTE - Financial statements annual at 31/12/2023
The Company CIMENTS DE BIZERTE, publishes its individual annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
04/06/2024MAGASIN GENERAL - Financial statements annual consolidated at 31/12/2023
The Company MAGASIN GENERAL, publishes its consolidated annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
04/06/2024MONOPRIX - Financial statements annual consolidated at 31/12/2023
The Company MONOPRIX, publishes its consolidated annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
04/06/2024MONOPRIX - Financial statements annual individual at 31/12/2023
The Company MONOPRIX, publishes its individual annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
04/06/2024SITS - Financial statements annual individual at 31/12/2023
The Company SITS, publishes its individual annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023
04/06/2024STA - Financial statements annual at 31/12/2023
The Company STA publishes its annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
31/05/2024ARTES - Financial statements annual individual at 31/12/2023
The Company ARTES, publishes its individual annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
31/05/2024EL FOULADH (Hors Cote) - Financial statements annual at 31/12/2023
The Company EL FOULADH, publishes its individual annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.