25/12/2023ASSUR MAGHREBIA - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by Mme Salma ESSASSI.
25/12/2023ASSUR MAGHREBIA - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by Mme Badra ESSASSI.
25/12/2023ASSUR MAGHREBIA - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by UNION FINANCIERE HOLDING.
21/12/2023ASS. Maghrébia Vie - call for candidacy
Call for candidacy.
19/12/2023Tawasol Group Holding - information post OGM
Motions after General meeting of the 06/12/2023.
13/12/2023SOTUVER - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by Mr.Khaled BAYAHI.
13/12/2023SOTUVER - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by COMPANY CIE FINANCIERE D’INVESTISSEMENT.
13/12/2023STA - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by Mr.BOUSSARSSAR MONEIM.
13/12/2023STA - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by HOTEL PALACE.
05/12/2023BEST LEASE - call for candidacy
Call for candidacy