03/08/2018SFBT - Financial statements half-yearly at 30/06/2018
Company SFBT publishes its intermediate financial statements stopped at June 30th, 2018.
02/08/2018BNA - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by the CTAMA.
02/08/2018Maghreb Intern Pub (Hors Cote) - General Meeting ordinary at 02/08/2018
The shareholders of INTERNATIONAL the MAGHREB company PUBLICITY (MIP) are convened at a Standard general meeting, planned for on Friday, August 3, 2018 at 10 a.m.
31/07/2018SOTETEL - Press release
Within the framework of its development program to international, the Tunisian Company of Companies of Telecommunications “SO.T.E.TEL” makes available of the public
30/07/2018TUNISIE LEASING ET FACTORING - Threshold crossing upward
Crossing upwards of the thresholds of 10%.
19/07/2018SIAME - Quarterly activity reports at 30/06/2018
Company SIAME publishes its indicators of activity relative to the 2nd quarter 2018.
18/07/2018ASTREE - Quarterly activity reports at 30/06/2018
Company ASTREE publishes its indicators of activity relative to the 2nd quarter 2018.
18/07/2018EURO-CYCLES - Quarterly activity reports at 30/06/2018
Company EURO-CYCLES publishes its indicators of activity relative to the 2nd quarter 2018.
18/07/2018GIF-FILTER (Hors Cote) - Quarterly activity reports at 30/06/2018
Company GIF-FILTER publishes its indicators of activity relative to the 2nd quarter 2018.
18/07/2018MPBS - Quarterly activity reports at 30/06/2018
Company MPBS publishes its indicators of activity relative to the 2nd quarter 2018.