29/08/2018BT - Financial statements half-yearly at 30/06/2018
Company "La Banque de Tunisie" publishes its intermediate financial statements stopped at June 30th, 2018, accompanied by the opinion of the auditor.
29/08/2018TUNIS RE - Financial statements half-yearly at 30/06/2018
Company "TUNIS RE" publishes its intermediate financial statements stopped at June 30th, 2018, accompanied by the opinion of the auditor.
28/08/2018ICF - Financial statements half-yearly at 30/06/2018
Company "Les Industries Chimiques du Fluor -ICF-" publishes its intermediate financial statements stopped at June 30th, 2018, accompanied by the opinion of the auditor.
28/08/2018ELECTROSTAR (Hors Cote) - Financial statements annual consolidated at 31/12/2017
Company ELECTROSTAR publishes its consolidated financial statements stopped at December 31st, 2017, accompanied by the opinion of the auditor.
28/08/2018TUNINVEST-SICAR - Financial statements half-yearly at 28/08/2018
Company TUNINVEST SICAR publishes its intermediate financial statements stopped at June 30th, 2018, accompanied by the opinion of the auditor.
28/08/2018MAGASIN GENERAL - Financial statements half-yearly at 28/08/2018
Company MAGASIN GENERAL publishes its intermediate financial statements stopped at June 30th, 2018, accompanied by the opinion of the auditor.
27/08/2018ATTIJARI BANK - Financial statements half-yearly at 30/06/2018
Company ATTIJARI BANK publishes its intermediate financial statements stopped at June 30th, 2018, accompanied by the opinion of the auditor.
27/08/2018SIPHAT - Financial statements annual at 28/08/2018
The company "SIPHAT" publishes its individual financial statements stopped at December 31st, 2017, accompanied by the opinion of the auditor.
24/08/2018SIPHAT - General Meeting ordinary at 05/09/2018
The shareholders of company "SIPHAT" are convened at a Standard general meeting, planned for on wednesdat, september 5, 2018 at 10 a.m.....
24/08/2018SOTEMAIL - Financial statements half-yearly at 30/06/2018
Company SOTEMAIL publishes its intermediate financial statements stopped at June 30th, 2018, accompanied by the opinion of the auditor.